Most viral mediums include video clips, images, interactive games, and even text, can help express and share the idea quickly.
For example, if pictures are worth a thousand words, communicating a message through image or video might allow people to share and download the message all around world.
Let’s see the Barack Obama presidential campaign of 2008 brilliantly used social networking sites to deliver its messages to tens of millions of people across the United States. In this viral marketing campaign, the messages were “Hope” and “Change we can believe in”. The viral mediums can take many forms: the “HOPE” poster, official Barack Obama Web site, (containing policy papers, blogs, tax savings calculator, event information, and so on), and videos.
Barack Obama has implemented viral marketing techniques throughout his site. Barack Obama use different viral mediums such as video, articles, poster to convey the message to reach a tremendous number of target audience.
Link to Barack Obama Video: “Yes We Can”
Link to Barack Obama Web site:
Link to Barack Obama “Hope” poster:

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